๐Ÿ’ปCalculating Power

Unaligned Hunter Power

Unaligned Hunter Power is the variable used to determine the range of replicant power rolls.

The required variables to calculate this are the following:

The current formula to calculate for unaligned power is

After we calculate for unaligned power, we apply a ยฑ10% to determine the range of values that the monster power values might be.

Let's do a sample calculation assuming the following values below:

  • Hunter Power - 1000 (a level one hero)

  • Attribute Total - 800 (a max attribute 4-star bomb)

  • Bonus Power - 1500 (a 100/100 LB, 0/25 4B, 0/10 5B bomb)

Unaligned Power comes out at 4500.

Minimum Monster Power is 4500 * 0.9 rounded down to 4050.

Maximum Monster Power is 4500 * 1.1 rounded down to 4950.

Aligned Hunter Power

Aligned Hunter Power is the variable used in determining the player's combat roll in conjunction with Trait Bonus.

The required variables to calculate this are similar to Unaligned Hunter Power above but instead of

Aligned Hunter Power uses

Instead of the formula simply summing up all the bomb's attributes, we instead evaluate each attribute separately and apply the following calculations to determine their value

if attributeElement != charElement (attributeValue * 0.0025)
if attributeElement == PWR (attributeValue * 0.002575)
if attributeElement == charElement (attributeValue * 0.002675)

Once each attribute has been evaluated, they get totaled and used in the same formula as unaligned power to get the aligned power.

Let's do another sample calculation assuming the following values below:

  • Hunter Power - 1000 (a level one hero)

  • Hunter Element - Fire

  • Attribute One - STR 400

  • Attribute Two - CHA 400

  • Bonus Power - 1500 (a 100/100 LB, 0/25 4B, 0/10 5B bomb)

Aligned Power comes out to 4570.

Aligned Power is used as is when calculating experience gain, or multiplied with Trait Bonus when calculating the player's combat roll.

Trait Bonus

Trait Bonus is a variable multiplied to Aligned Power and used to determine the player's combat roll.

The formula to determine Trait Bonus is outlined below.

TraitBonus = 1
if charElement == weaponElement (TraitBonus += 0.075)
if charElement > enemyElement (TraitBonus += 0.075)
if charElement < enemyElement (TraitBonus -= 0.075)

The elemental advantage in regards to hero against replicant is as follows:

  • Ekamargonite beats Technetium

  • Technetium beats Actinidium

  • Actinidium beats Deuterion

  • Deuterion beats Ekamargonite

Trait Bonus gets evaluated and then multiplied with Aligned Power to get the players final power value.

A ยฑ10% is then applied to the final value to determine the player's combat roll.

Taking the Aligned Power calculated above, let's assume the following variables:

  • Hunter Element - Actinidium

  • Bomb Element - Deuterion

  • Monster Element - Technetium

Trait Bonus comes out to 1.075.

Final Power Value after applying Trait Bonus to the Aligned Power above is 4912.

Minimum Player Roll is 4912 * 0.9 rounded down to 4420.

Maximum Player Roll is 4912 * 1.1 rounded down to 5403.

Monster Power

Monster Power is a simple ยฑ10% calculation applied to the listed replicant power of whatever monster the player chose.

The numerical value listed on the combat screen button is used to determine experience and CBOMBER payouts.

The calculated value with the ยฑ10% applied is used to determine the monster's rolls in combat

Taking the previous values into account, let's finalize the sample combat simulation

  • Minimum Monster Power = 4050

  • Maximum Monster Power = 4950

Let's assume the player chose an monster with a listed power value of 4700.

  • Monster Power = 4700

Minimum Monster Roll is 4700 * 0.9 rounded down to 4230.

Maximum Monster Roll is 4700 * 1.1 rounded down to 5170.

From this information, we know that the player can roll between 4420 - 5403 and the monster can roll between 4230 - 5170.

Last updated