Purchasing CBOMBER

Once your MetaMask has been connected to the Polygon network and has received an appropriate amount of MATIC, you may proceed to an exchange to purchase CBOMBER.

Purchasing CBOMBER on a Dex

CBOMBER can be purchased on a decentralized exchange such as QuickSwap using MATIC.

The steps to purchasing CBOMBER are outlined below:

  1. Go to QuickSwap.

  2. Click on the "Connect to a wallet" button on the upper right hand side of the screen.

3. Connect using your MetaMask wallet.

4. Proceed with any confirmations and wait for your wallet to connect to QuickSwap.

5. Make sure MATIC is set on the "Swap From:" field on the upper portion of the interface.

6. Input the desired amount of MATIC to spend.

7. Double check your values and once you are satisfied click on "Swap" and "Confirm Swap".

Once your transaction has completed you should see your CBOMBER balance reflected in your MetaMask Assets tab.

If CBOMBER isn't listed on your assets, you may click "Add Token" and input the contract address for CBOMBER found below:

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